

A self-checking TestBench checks expected results against actual results obtained from the simulation. Although Self-checking testbenchs require considerably more effort during the initial test bench creation phase, this technique can dramatically Reduce the amount of effort needed to re-check a design after a change has been made to the DUT. Debugging time is significantly shortened by useful error-tracking information that can be built into the TestBench to show where a design fails.

A self-checking TestBench has two major parts, the input blocks and output blocks.
Input block consist of stimulus and driver to drive the stimulus to DUT. The output block consists of monitor to collect the DUT outputs and verify them.

All the above approaches require the test writer to create an explicit test for each feature of the design. Verification approach in which each feature is written in a separate test case file is called directed verification.

EXAMPLE: adder example
module adder(a,b,c); //DUT code start
input [15:0] a,b;
output [16:0] c;

assign c = a + b;

endmodule //DUT code end

module top(); //TestBench code start
reg [15:0] a;
reg [15:0] b;
wire [16:0] c;

adder DUT(a,b,c); //DUT Instantiation

repeat(100) begin
a = $random; //apply random stimulus
b = $random;
$display(" a=%0d,b=%0d,c=%0d",a,b,c);
if( a + b != c) // monitor logic.
$display(" *ERROR* ");
endmodule //TestBench code end
Asic Design
Bottle Neck In Asic Flow
Functional Verification Need
Linear Testbench
Linear Random Testbench
How To Check The Results
Self Checking Testbenchs
How To Get Scenarios Which We Never Thought
How To Check Whether The Testbench Has Satisfactorily Exercised The Design
Types Of Code Coverage
Statement Coverage
Block Coverage
Conditional Coverage
Branch Coverage
Path Coverage
Toggle Coverage
Fsm Coverage
Make Your Goal 100 Percent Code Coverage Nothing Less
Functional Coverage
Coverage Driven Constraint Random Verification Architecture
Phases Of Verification
Ones Counter Example
Verification Plan

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