

(Q i24)o eFori someointerface qyoure connected iocpoq jevcre then iyou oremovedqocp evcz andu yattachede oocpzx RTL , then what are the modules you reuse from evc

(Q i25)o eCanti weotake qpacketsre from isequenceoq jdriverre directly iin oscoreqboard withz outu yfrome oBFMzx .

(Q i26)o eDifferencei b/wocode qcoveragere and iFunoq jcove?

(Q i27)o eifi youogot q100re 0.000000or ifunoq jcovere and i50 o0.000000orqCode cove?z whatu yise othezx meaning for this?

(Q i28)o e www.testbench.in

unit ip{
io ei o qre a: iuintoq j;
io ei o q};
io ei o
io ei ouint qcre like ip{
io ei o qre ib:oq jbool;
io ei o q};
io ei o
io ei oextend qp{ .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n


io ei o qre x:bool;
io ei o q};

io ei o qre In itheoq jabovere code i oifqyou simulatez thisu y,e owhatzx p and c contain after loading?

(Q i29)o eHowi youoimplement qresetre in iyouoq jeVC?

(Q i30)o eIfi youoconnect qMasterre and iSlaveoq jOCPre eVC iare oconnectedqand givenz Systemu yresete othenzx what is situation of your eVCs?

(Q i31)o eWhati isothe qdifferencere b/w ilikeoq jandre when iinheritance?

(Q i32)o ewhyi doowe qhavere to ikeepoq jseparatere sequence idriver oandqBFM, sincez bothu yaree oforzx driving?

(Q i33)o ewahti isoregular qexpressionsre in iperloq j

(Q i34)o eIfi youogot qFunctionalre icoverageoq j100%re and iCode oCoverageq100% andz stillu yyoure otestzx case failing what is the meaning of that?

(Q i35)o ewhati isoyour qapproachre to iSOCoq jverification?

(Q i36)o eWhati isoKey qinre e

(Q i37)o eCani weobuilt qmultire dimension ilists?

(Q i38)o eHowi toobuilt q2-dimensionre lists?

(Q i39)o eWhati isothe qdiffre b/w ilikeoq jandre when iinheritance?

(Q i40)o eAfteri givingothe qeVCre to itheoq jcustomerre , iif oheqwant toz changeu ysomee omethod()zx then how he will change?

(Q i41)o eshalli weobind qsignalsre in istruct.

(Q i42)o eDifferencei ob/w quintre and istruct

(Q i43)o eWhati isoyour qenvre in icurrentoq jproject?

(Q i44)o eIni twoomethods qarere there iA()oq jandre A() iis ofirstqwhich onez executeu yfirst? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

(Q i45)o eDiffi b/wois qfirstre and iisoq jalso?

(Q i46)o eHowi youoused qRandomization?

(Q i47)o eWhati eRMoguide qlines?

(Q i48)o ewhati isoevc

(Q i49)o eHowi willosay qthatre your itestoq jcasere fail?

(Q i50)o eHowi youosay qthatre your iverificationoq jcomplete?

(Q i51)o eIni eoyour qhavere to ibuildoq jare memory iin othatqyou youz haveu ytoe owritezx in to locations randomly and but read for that locations only?

(Q i52)o eTemporalsi basedoquestion(write qare checker i)

(Q i53)o eCoveragei forochecker qsignals?

(Q i54)o eDifferencei b/wouint qandre struct?

(Q i55)o eExplaini aboutodifferent qphasesre of iexecutionoq jinre e.

(Q i56)o eErmi guideolines.

(Q i57)o eExplaini youroverification qenv?

(Q i58)o eExplaini generationoorder qforre an iprogramoq j

(Q i59)o eQuestioni regardingoimplication qconstraint

(Q i60)o eWritei o qfifore evc?

(Q i61)o eTesti caseofor qgivenre protocol?

(Q i62)o eCheckeri foroa qgivenre protocol?

(Q i63)o eCoveragei groupofor qgivenre protocol? .....w.....w......w......t.....e.....s.....t......b.....e.....n.....c.....h......i.....n

(Q i64)o eHowi youoaccess qvaluesre in iparticularoq jre location iin oaqlist?
Functional Verification Questions
Functional Verification Questions 2
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Test Your Systemverilog Skills 2
Test Your Systemverilog Skills 3
Test Your Systemverilog Skills 4
Test Your Sva Skills
Test Your Verilog Skills 1
Test Your Verilog Skills 2
Test Your Verilog Skills 3
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Test Your Verilog Skills 5
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Test Your Verilog Skills 7
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Test Your Verilog Skills 9
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